Hi, my name is


Joel Picture

Full Stack Developer

I enjoy making the
imaginary come true.

Joel Picture
  • 1994: My first computer, my first love
  • 1998: My first website
  • 2002: My first game mod
  • 2008: My first ecommerce
  • 2014: My first web application
  • 2022: My first video game


I enjoy developing apps and videogames, I love making the imaginary become real. Passionate about developing since the age of 15, I had the need to better understand the world around me in a humanistic sense, so I studied Psychology and Humanities BA. I had the opportunity to get a professional background and a growth mindset, whose guided me to prioritize teamwork and honest communication. Currently I am focused on web app developing with a tech stack that I love and that I keep expanding.




Full stack developer (850h). [Roadmap🔎]

Bachelor's degree

UPF (Pompeu Fabra University)

Humanities, mention in philosophy

Technologies I use

javascript typescript css html git nodejs nestjs socketio mongodb mysql jest react redux sass tailwindcss figma c sharp unity

// About me

I have been passionate about creating on the web since the age of 15. I enter a parallel dimension when I program. If you can imagine it, you can create it. 🚀

...discover more

// In my backpack

  • Growth mindset.
  • Professional background.
  • AGILE believer.
  • Bachelor's degree in Humanities.
  • Happy to work both, backend and frontend.

...skill set


 portfolio section

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